OUr 5 year curriculum 



Formal assessments will take place at the end of each topic. These assessments are exam style questions which cover all aspects of the topic studied. Once the students have completed the assessment, they will be marked and every student will receive a personal question level analysis to determine what skills they excelled at and what are the areas for development. Each student will then be set some personalised therapy tasks which allow them to work on their own individual areas of development through the use of google classroom. 


Homework will be set every Wednesday via Seneca (a link is shared on google classroom). Seneca is an online learning platform which provides information and questions for students on topics that have been recently taught in lessons. Seneca is an intelligent platform, the more students engage with it the more the question types will become personalised to them.

Homework is considered complete when a student achieves 100% in all sections of the homework. If your child is struggling to meet 100% please contact their Science teacher who can make reasonable adjustments.