GCSE TRiple & Combined science

Here at Baysgarth we study the AQA curriculum for both the Triple Separate Sciences and the Combined Science: Trilogy Courses. This course begins in term 3 of Year 9

Triple Science students use one of their option blocks to study this course and due to the extra content and study time, students will be awarded a grade for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. 

Combined Science students will be awarded 2 grades at the end of their course. 

Triple & Trilogy


The AQA SOL fits seamlessly into our 5 year curriculum, Each topic studied has synoptic links to build on prior learning in year 7-9 and allows for frequent retrieval of knowledge and skills which enables students to build their mental models and ensures deeper, long lasting learning takes place.  


Homework will be set every Wednesday via Seneca (a link is shared on google classroom). Seneca is an online learning platform which provides information and questions for students on topics that have been recently taught in lessons. Seneca is an intelligent platform, the more students engage with it the more the question types will become personalised to them.

Homework is considered complete when a student achieves 100% in all sections of the homework. If your child is struggling to meet 100% please contact their Science teacher who can make reasonable adjustments.


Formal assessments are completed at the end of every topic and for each longer topic there is also a mini mid topic assessment. These assessments consist of GCSE exam style questions. As Science covers so much content in so many varying topics, we do not grade individual assessments. Instead, we use averages of assessment performance throughout the year to inform our predicted grades.

The review and therapy that follows the assessment allows all students to work on their own personal areas of development so they become more confident in these areas.